While Adam has been practicing acupuncture since 2013, his first exposure was in high school getting treated for allergies and minor sports injuries. He found acupuncture intriguing, but went a different direction earning a double major in Finance/Real Estate from FSU. He jokes that he had his midlife crisis in his early 20s instead of 40s when he realized his work wasn’t a good fit. The interest in Chinese Medicine in the back of his mind had been growing as he practiced Qigong (Chinese breath, movement, and meditation exercises) and internal kung fu throughout his undergrad. He decided to go back to school to become an acupuncturist and 10 years later he’s still going strong.
Adam excels at sifting through difficult conditions and find the most important place to intervene. This often allows him to come up with treatments that get faster results than typical. Similarly, he is also able to take complex topics and explain them to patients in a concise and understandable way. He believes that while Chinese Medicine uses esoteric language, that it is ultimately structured and logical. Most of the flowery or metaphorical language has pragmatic application which he happily shares with curious patients. That being said, Adam also appreciates the value of Western Medicine and will inquire about and factor in any diagnosed conditions or diseases in his assessment.
When he’s not practicing Chinese Medicine, you can usually find him doing something in nature or primitive skills related – starting fires with sticks and whatnot. Most recently he has been building and breaking bows.
If you have any questions, please call 850-980-2972. To schedule an appointment, please schedule online or call.